NNAG welcomes the appointment of the new NHS England and NHS Improvement National Clinical Directors for Neurology, and Neurosurgery and Spinal Surgery.  In light of changes to the national leadership and clinical reference groups, as well the new commissioning structure, NNAG members agreed to wind down the activities and meetings of this group at the end of 2022.  The neuroscience community will continue to work together for a brigher future for people affected by neurological conditions.

The website and publications will continue to be available for use.  For all enquiries, please contact the Neurological Alliance.

Our leadership model

NNAG brings together all the different people and organisations that need to work collaboratively to achieve improvement in services for people with neurological conditions. This includes people with neurological conditions, health professionals, patient organisations, commissioners and academics. Collectively we ensure alignment across all current national neuroscience initiatives, troubleshoot emerging issues and problems in neuroscience service delivery, and develop and coordinate a national programme of service improvement. This collective leadership structure and expert membership ensures that our work reflects the wide range voices and perspectives across neuroscience.

We make formal recommendations to NHS England and NHS Improvement about the commissioning of services.  We work closely with, and advise, the Neuroscience Clinical Reference Group, and are directly accountable to the National Medical Director.

NNAG Core Group


The NNAG core group leads the strategic direction of NNAG’s work. The group is made up of expert leaders from across the neurosciences community to ensure a joined up and collaborative approach.

Learn more about NNAG Core Group here

NNAG Patient Group Forum


The NNAG Patient Group Forum ensures that the patient voice and voluntary and community sector perspectives are central to all aspects of NNAG’s work. The forum meets quarterly and elects representatives to sit as members of the NNAG Core group. Members of the forum sit on NNAG sub groups, task and finish groups, and advise the NIC as required. Patient Group Forum members take an active role in the co-production of NNAG’s activities and outputs.

Neurosciences Intelligence Collaborative


The Neurosciences Intelligence Collaborative (NIC) fulfils the NNAG’s aims in relation to data and intelligence. NIC members identify priorities, align work plans, avoids duplication and ensures best use of resources across the various bodies and organisations working in neurosciences data and intelligence. NIC ‘s outputs underpin the direction of travel of NNAG’s wider work plan.

NNAG sub groups and task and finish groups


Sub-groups/task and finish groups of the NNAG come together to work on key issues and priority improvement areas within neurology in line with our aims and objectives.  These include mental health, neurorehabilitation and condition specific groups. Representatives from across the neurosciences community sit on the relevant groups to ensure that the diverse views of the sector are considered.

You can download our terms of reference here